In 2001 Te Kōkiringa Taumata I New Zealand Planning Institute was given a gift, a taonga by the people of Ngāi Tamarawaho.

The rohe for this hapū extends across the Tauranga CBD, out to the coast and to elevated inland areas that include the Kopurereua Valley and the Waikareao Estuary. That year an NZPI conference was hosted in Tauranga and the gift was presented to the institute. The mauri, which is a pūrerehua that’s used in a welcome ceremony and carried in a beautifully carved waka huia, was given to the institute to start a process whereby mana whenua and other iwi / hapū could take part in a wider korero with members of the institute. It was also symbolic of an invitation to speak at the Tauranga conference and at future NZPI conferences.