This is the first of our monthly reports to keep members informed of the key issues the Board is dealing with. This month we focus on the discussion and decisions of our quarterly meeting on 20 September.

Click here to view the draft minutes

It was a very full and weighty agenda, with the major items being:

Review of CPD mandatory requirements

Todd Whittaker reported on feedback from the PAC review panel he convened .PAC respondents were reluctant to move away from some mandatory requirement, but clear this should not be an extension of university training, and should be more practical, and cover contemporary issues and practice.

The Board saw 3 distinct groups of members affected:

  1. Experienced associates/grad plus members applying for full membership and required to do mandatory CPD – this could seem unreasonable if they are very experienced with consents/policy work while mandatory CPD us at an introductory level.
  2. New graduates who had taken university papers which mirror the CPD mandatory content.
  3. Senior/very experienced members who had not become full members.

The Board agreed:

  • Retain mandatory courses at present
  • Reframe pathways to membership based on demonstrating competencies with options/tool kit, and more emphasis on role of sponsors and mentors.
  • The transition to a new framework will take time and there must be a formal process to address immediate issues.
  • The Board agreed the following process be adopted as an interim solution for members seeking exemptions from compulsory CPD courses:

    - People seeking exemptions need to apply stating the reasons and demonstrating why they do not need to complete a specific compulsory course (s).
    - Applications will be received by NZPI national office and a board member will review each application which will then be considered at the next Board meeting as a confidential item.

Todd will prepare another paper for next PAC meeting (4 November) and then working with NZPI staff will develop draft forms and criteria for the 2 December Board meeting.

NB: This means that applications for exemptions at 30 September will be assessed and decided as soon as possible; but subsequent applications will be received but not assessed, pending decisions of the December Board meeting.

Review of CPD and development of 2017 programme

Our Senior Policy Advisor, Joel Cayford presented the results of a recent member survey which showed strong support for existing courses, but call for courses to be updated with contemporary case studies and case law and for new courses addressing current and emerging big issues for planners like climate change- this reinforcing the message from PAC representatives.

The Board noted that that many of the new ,big issues dealt with at Dunedin conference and there were opportunities to involve members in developing CPD courses and more use of video and webinars.

The Board decided:

  • All of the existing programme of CPD courses be delivered in 2017
  • Existing courses be updated-where necessary-with the inclusion of contemporary case studies and contemporary case law implications.
  • To identify opportunities for the development of courses on new and emerging issues and best practice, using expertise of members, material presented at annual conference and alternative delivery such as video and webinar.

Revised Tertiary Education Policy and Accreditation Procedures

Gary Rae introduced the discussion, noting agreement from the universities for the revised policy and strong endorsement of PAC members /branches who had responded.

After some changes in wording to make the provisions less discretionary- in particular around the issue of planning teaching staff being full members of NZPI-the revised policy was adopted, with thanks to Gary for the incredible amount of work he has put in.

Click here for further details

Submission on Productivity Commission report “Better Urban Planning”

The Board agreed the focus of the submission on the Productivity Commission report “Better Urban Planning” be:

  • Developing NZPI’s view of what needs to change or be reformed in NZ’s system of planning (as set out in the appendix to its RLAB submission), highlighting the report’s findings and recommendations that are consistent with and support NZPI’s position, and critique those that are not.
  • Commenting on Chapter 12.-Culture and Capability.

Click here to view submission

Other issues discussed included:

Annual Satisfaction Survey

In view of the very low response rate last year, the Board agreed not to carry out the survey this year and review it as part of a wider review of marketing and communication with members.

Salary Survey 2015

The Board noted with concern the gender gap revealed in the survey and made a commitment to review NZPI policies to ensure we are leading by example on gender equity; including signing up to the Equal Opportunity Employer Charter, and advocating through partnership agreements and other forums. It was also agreed that the next salary survey include further analysis of the gender gap.

Bay of Plenty request re 2018 Annual Conference

There was a request from Bay of Plenty Branch who are hosting the 2018 annual Conference, to shift the Conference from April to March and reduce it from 4-3 days.

The Board agree to this in principle, subject to getting a more detailed proposal.

Bay of Plenty Branch revised Constitution

The Board approved the revised Constitution and commended Branch members on their initiative.

Please send any comments and feedback on this report FAO Bryce Julyan to

Bryce Julyan
Chair, NZPI Board