Presented by Justine Bray and Luke Hinchey

Designations are a key tool under the RMA for consenting, constructing, operating and future proofing many medium to large scale projects. The practice of establishing, applying for and using designations under the RMA is often not well understood. This is not surprising given that by far the vast majority of development proposals are established through resource consents, which are quite different to designations. Furthermore, there are only limited people or organisations who can exercise designation powers.

Understanding how designations work is an important area of knowledge for all planners, particularly those interested in working with councils, central government organisations and infrastructure providers that help deliver public good projects. The presenters will use case studies including AUT University’s South campus designation and that of Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth for the New Zealand Transport Agency.

This one day course aims to give planners an insight into what designations are & how they can be used. It will provide an overview of their statutory framework under the RMA, the status of the designation in a District Plan, how this may be altered and the purposes of an outline plan of works. The course will also address conditions on designations and some case law will be discussed.