REGISTRATION DEADLINE - 9am, Thursday 25th February.
For late registrations please email

This workshop is designed to provide planners with necessary knowledge and understanding of Te Ao Māori to be able to effectively undertake their roles under the RMA and LGA. It is important that planners understand tangata whenua values in the current environment and how to recognise and provide for these values within their planner roles. Along with understanding values, this workshop covers the legislative framework, including the role of Treaty Settlements, and will provide attendees with a better understanding of the role of the relevant tools in the tangata whenua RMA kete (Iwi Management Plans, Cultural Impact Assessments). Issues in relation to Maori land and its use are complex; this workshop will also assist planners to understand the legislation and constraints facing the use of Māori land, and provide practical information on how to better provide for these issues through our plans and decisions. Finally, this workshop will also cover tools and techniques for planners to effectively engage with tangata whenua in their work.

Learning outcomes:
  • Gain an understanding of tangata whenua values in the environment and how to provide for these values as planners
  • Understand the legislative requirements under the RMA and LGA for engaging with tangata whenua and Māori
  • Understand and make provision for how Treaty Settlements impact on RMA and LGA processes and Council decision making
  • Understand the context for and application of Iwi Management Plans and Cultural Impact Assessments
  • Gain skills and knowledge to undertake effective engagement with tangata whenua

Presented by Jade Wikaira
now runs her own consulting business Wikaira Consulting Ltd. Prior to that she worked at Boffa Miskell in the Wellington office in the roles of Strategic Advisor Maori and Resource Management Planner. She has extensive experience in strategic policy, governance and relationship development, where she held policy positions in central and local government. Previously, Jade also held a role advising the Minister of Maori Affairs on environmental resource management and Maori community development matters. Jade is particularly interested in working on collaboration and strengthening relationships across the region. Jade is the interim primary contact for the Te Whanganui a Tara branch of Papa Pounamu.

NOTE - If you are interested in attending a workshop please register early to ensure it goes ahead. Minimum numbers are required for a workshop to run. This generally ensures there is sufficient people to allow different experience and views to be part of the discussion within the course setting. Registration deadline is normally 2 - 3 weeks prior to the event (depending on the venue).

Please see the terms and conditions under the events menu for our cancellation and transfer policy. Thank you.