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This Lunchtime session took place on Tuesday 27th October, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Join Dr Douglas Fairgray for this lunchtime session as he reviews the NPS-UD

  1. NPS-UD objectives and purpose – the NPS as the overarching urban development tool, with a core purpose to improve housing affordability by driving down urban land prices, through a directive approach to council planning provisions and decisions.
    ie urban development driven by [planning objectives X economic objectives]
  2. Key NPS-UD positives - An evidence-based and analysis-based approach which enables spatial planning to ensure enough capacity for growth in appropriate place; serving needs across communities and business sectors; well monitored and assessed.
  3. NPS-UD Challenges

  • The “well-functioning urban environment”
  • Policy 3 intensification directives for tier 1 cities
  • Policy 8 – “Rise of the UnanticipatedNPS-UD Economics
  • “Competitive land and development markets” (Objective 2, Policy 1d)
  • “How planning decisions ..affect affordability and competitiveness of the local housing market” (3.23)
  • “Market indicators….and price efficiency indicators. (3.23)
  • The influence on affordability of planning decisions among other major drivers

Dr Douglas Fairgray - Director Market Economics Ltd

Douglas Fairgray has 40 years' research experience in urban economies, spatial economics and spatial planning. He has led many projects using geographic and economic expertise to examine location patterns and spatial interactions, understand urban systems and growth patterns, transport and travel, and urban efficiency - notably in the s32 and NPSUDC contexts. A frequent expert witness in the Environment Court, he is a qualified hearings commissioner and a member of the RMLA national committee.