REGISTRATION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED to 9am, Wednesday 16th June 2021. Be quick, tickets are selling fast! For late registrations please email

Presented by Kate McArthur

This short online course covers the basic science concepts underpinning freshwater management and the NPS FM 2020, drawing on examples of freshwater issues from around Aotearoa.

We discuss the five components of ecosystem health: water quality, water quantity, ecological processes, aquatic life and habitat, including river extent and fish passage.

We explore nutrients and why we need to manage them, indigenous species and why their habitats require protection, flows and levels – why they are important and the functions they serve, what we need for safe human contact with freshwater and take a look at why wetlands are important and require protection.

On completion of the course you will have a basic understand of the NPS FM attributes and how they relate to freshwater values.

NOTE - If you are interested in attending a workshop please register early to ensure it goes ahead. Minimum numbers are required for a workshop to run. This generally ensures there is sufficient people to allow different experience and views to be part of the discussion within the course setting. Registration deadline is normally 2 - 3 weeks prior to the event.
Thank you.

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