Water Quantity and Quality Planning under the RMA

With Helen Marr and Kate McArthur

Water resource management is a key issue for resource planning in New Zealand. Abundant and good quality water is a scarce resource and managing water effectively to meet competing expectations and values can be complex, confrontational and costly. This workshop will help to break down the complexity and provide participants with examples of simple frameworks for management that have been used successfully in many parts of the country. The RMA framework over-arching our management of water resources will be clearly explained and some solutions to common conflicts provided. Strategies and tools for partnership with iwi and collaborative engagement with stakeholders will also be discussed.
  • Learn about the basic science behind water management in New Zealand, quality, quantity and habitat. Why is water a scarce resource and why do we need to manage it carefully?
  • Understand the requirements of and potential benefits and pitfalls of the National Policy Statement for Water Management and the National Objectives Framework
  • Gain a knowledge of recent approaches taken by other councils and stakeholders to water management planning, including allocation mechanisms, recent case law and providing information to inform consensus decision making (through collaborative processes)

Early Bird Rates Apply

Early Bird

Please note: All Prices include GST.


Helen Marr

Helen Marr is a resource management planner with experience and focus on resolving water policy issues. Helen has been involved in water management issues in Manawatu, Hawkes Bay, Wellington and Canterbury. Helen is a Director of Perception Planning, a specialist resource management planning consultancy.

Kate McArthur

Kate McArthur is a water scientist and resource manager with experience in limit setting with councils, iwi and stakeholders. Kate has been involved in developing water management frameworks in the Manawatu-Whanganui, Hawkes Bay, Northland and Nelson and has advised at a national level on the Freshwater National Policy Statement and National Objectives Framework. Kate regularly lectures in planning and environmental science at Massey University and is an RMA Hearings Commissioner. Kate is the Practice Leader – Water Quality for The Catalyst Group, an environmental consultancy based in Palmerston North.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: Where a course is cancelled a full refund of fees will be made. For enrolment cancellations no refunds or invoice credits will be given where cancellation is advised seven (7) working days or less before a course. Enrolments are transferable to another attendee.