The New Zealand planning system struggles with design. Too often planners find themselves at the end of the process, trying to make a poorly designed proposal rather less poor. In such cases urban design is a sugar-coating for bad planning. This two-day workshop is aimed at planners. It starts by providing an understanding of the theory, principles and practice of urban design and how this can be applied to planning. The core of the course provides a practical understanding of the role urban design can play throughout the planning process and how planners can effectively engage, evaluate and assess urban design evidence and advice.

Up-to-date case studies using local examples in Auckland, Queenstown, Tauranga, Christchurch and international examples in North America illustrate key points. This is supported by the presenters’ own professional experiences with a wide range of urban design issues and projects, including Ian Munro’s experiences as Chair of the Auckland Urban Design Panel.

Participants are encouraged to submit work examples before attending which can be used, where appropriate, as part of the course.

By the end of the course you will have:

  • Gained an understanding of urban design theory, principles and practice how this applies to planning and what ‘sound urban design practice’ could look like.
  • Gained an understanding of the role and importance of urban design when seeking to create sustainable urban planning and design outcomes through the planning process, especially during the critical plan making process.
  • An introduction to site layout, subdivision, the role of precinct plans and master planning and other urban design approaches to development with the tools and information requirements to deliver these in practice.
  • Being confident in identifying and understand the difference between planning, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design opinions and how these should be applied through the planning process.
  • Understand the drivers of the development process in order to deliver your urban design outcomes in practice.
  • The ability to ensure urban design policy intentions are effectively incorporated into the plan to ensure you have the mandate for urban design.

This workshop is aimed at planners, but is open to all built environment professionals with an interest in developing effective urban design outcomes in practice. The class will be interactive and draws on the presenters’ real life working examples including projects dealing with both small and large scale projects including, master-planning, Special Housing Areas, residential and commercial developments and infrastructure issues.


Ian Munro (B.Plan (Hons), M.Plan (Hons), M.Arch[Urb Des] (Hons), M.EnvLS (Hons), MNZPI, Certified RMA Commissioner) is a self-employed planner & urban designer, Hearings Commissioner with in-depth work experience work across New Zealand, and a member of the Auckland Council’s Urban Design Panel.

Dr Lee Beattie (PhD, MNZPI MRSNZ Certified RMA Commissioner) is the Deputy Head of the University of Auckland School of Architecture and Planning responsible for the University urban design programmes. He is an urban planner and designer with over 21 years professional experience in an extensive range of complex urban planning and designer matters and a Hearing Commissioner for Auckland Council and Queenstown Lakes District Council. He specialises in urban design policy development and implementation, growth management, urban design, housing issues and providing urban planning and design evidence.

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